How Can Love Be Explained? (4)

After Mu Yuchen processed the information Li Si had given him, he said, "Charter the private jet and arrange for them to return tomorrow afternoon. Get Ah Mo a smart servant. Give my grandparents a heads-up as well and let them be prepared."

Master Mu was always an action-oriented person. He did not wait at all and made action plans immediately.

Li Si nodded. "Got it, Master! I'll do it right away." He stood up from his seat and started walking toward the door.

"Wait." Mu Yuchen suddenly stopped him.

"Is there anything else?" Li Si stopped instantly and turned around. Mu Yuchen seemed to be thinking.

"Before heading back, get Ah Mo to come to see me," Mu Yuchen said quietly.

"Noted, Master! By the way, Master, Master Su Chen called your mobile today. He seems to be in City B as well and will be meeting you later."