Master Mu Cleaning Up (4)

Xi Xiaye did not reply. She lowered her head and looked at him holding her slightly swollen hand as he clenched them a little.

"Does it hurt?" he asked gently.

"A little…" she replied quietly with a pitiful tone in her voice. She thought he would comfort her. Instead, he stared at her and said coldly, "You deserved it."

While he answered with those mean words, his hand that clenched her hands gently did not stop. "Next time, let the others do this. While the skin on your hands is pretty thick, it's not going to be tougher than their fists. You're not suited to teach people a lesson. You acted like a gangster. You need to be more civilized even when fighting."

"I'm always a gangster anyway. Why should I be civilized with someone like that? Do you think they'll listen to me just because I spoke? Yue Lingsi is mad! Deal with her any longer and I'll be put at a disadvantage." Xi Xiaye stared back at him.