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After Xi Mushan finished preparing the dishes, Xi Xiaye called Mu Yuchen and found out that he had lunch with Shen Yue outside, so the three of them enjoyed the lunch instead.

From what she recalled, the last time the three of them had shared a meal like this was almost more than 20 years ago.

That was already such a distant memory.

Now that they could relive such moments again, she felt quite emotionally stirred.

Throughout it all, Xi Mushan had carefully taken care of Shen Wenna, picking out the fish bones, spooning the food for her, wiping away the residue of soup at the corner of her mouth...

Xi Xiaye did not say anything. She silently watched Xi Mushan and Shen Wenna across her. She took in all their movements that were full of chemistry and could not help but feel a pang of sadness and tenderness.