Personal Gift For You (2)

Xi Xiaye looked at the documents for some time before putting them back. "It's just an empty house. I never expected the Xi family to go this path."

Thinking back, the Xi family was quite a famous one with Xi Jiyang and Xi Mushan being the top brass in the political scene along with Yueying, yet it had fallen to such a state today.

Internal conflicts could be more lethal than enemies; they had proven that themselves.

Xi Xiaye put on a self-mocking cold smile as she kept the folder on the bookshelf, her tone sounding cold. "No matter how much glory one has, it'll fade away someday just like the wind."

"Xi Xinyi and Yue Lingsi should be staying in Han Yifeng's villa now. Deng Wenwen had a stroke and her condition doesn't seem very promising. She was left in the hospital and Father hired a long-term caretaker for her. He'll transfer her to a rehabilitation center after her condition has stabilized," Mu Yuchen told her what happened.

A stroke?