Wedding Party (1)

He hugged her tightly as he felt her grip around his waist tighten.

"I suddenly feel really overjoyed. You'll be this good to me forever, won't you?" she asked in her slightly hoarse voice. This happiness felt surreal and she was afraid that she might wake up one day and realize it was all just a dream. If this was a dream, she would rather stay asleep forever.

Would the warmth stay there forever?

"Of course, I'm always yours, Xiaye," he called her name and her heart softened as his voice reached her ears. She suddenly had the urge to cry.

He lifted her up easily and chuckled. "It's our happy day. Why are you crying? It should be our wedding party now. If you're really grateful for me, then compensate me in the bedroom tonight, okay?"

"No way!" She turned her head away as her face blushed.