Mysterious Man Before The Tombstone (1)

When she thought about this, the anger in Wang Qin's heart was about to burst. There was a slight pain from her palm, but that could not compare to the sharp hurt she currently felt in her heart!


Wang Qin was the real lady of the Qi household. In fact, she was an influential person in Qi Kai. Qi Lei was also Qi Qiming's biological son, so why did Qi Qiming reject Qi Lei so much?

If it was because of the marriage that resulted in him not being with the woman he loved and he resented her for that, she could understand. After all, she did not love Qi Qiming either, but since they already got married and even gave birth to Qi Lei, why could he not be a little kinder to Qi Lei?

Ever since Wang Qin joined the Qi family, the person who owed her big time was Qi Qiming!