You Can Call Me Mr. Wen (2)

The mysterious man in the car suddenly spoke out to ask his men to stand down.

The man in the black suit nodded to the thugs, and they then stood aside quietly.

"I don't have the mood to play your little guessing game. I suppose you guys have been onto me for quite some time. What do you want?" said Xi Xiaye coldly as she looked at the man in the car.

The man in the car chuckled. "Miss Xi, you're really brave. I thought you'd go speechless in fear. It seems that Mu Yuchen has good taste. That's right. My people have been following you for a while. In fact, we've been watching you ever since you parted with Mu Yuchen at the entrance."

"Why? I don't remember there being any conflict between us. Why are you blocking my way?" Xi Xiaye demanded, "Moreover, you haven't told me who you are!"

She was alarmed. This man must know Mu Yuchen since he mentioned his name.