Ambush (2)

Their expressions changed after Xi Xiaye spoke.

"What are you going to do about that woman spilling the drinks onto me, huh?"

That person who was addressed as Bro Jun certainly had no idea who Xi Xiaye was. A faint light flashed in his eyes when he saw Xi Xiaye's beauty. He was entranced by her and totally missed the dagger glances from Huang Shanshan beside him as he let out a wicked laugh. "You seem to be a manager here, alright. What about that? We'll forget about what happened if you accompany us for some drinks tonight, then I'll let it go. How does that sound, pretty girl?"

With the man's disgusting furtive glances, Xi Xiaye frowned and coughed slightly. However, her hoarse voice was extremely cold. "Accompany you? Are you worth my time? Where do you think this is? Some street stall?"

"I'm trying to give you a chance now. Do you know who I am?"