You Two Are Incomparable (1)

It was already afternoon when Xi Xiaye was awakened by the noise Mu Yuchen made when he drew the curtains open.

When she heard the sound, she swiveled towards the source and saw the man right beside the window. The warm sunlight streamed in, announcing the beauty of the scenery outside.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes while her voice was still slightly hoarse. "What time is it?"

"It's 2 p.m. now. Wash up and come down to eat something. You didn't even have dinner last night. You've got to take care of your own health."

He walked over and put his hand on her forehead before she could react. "Mmm, you're fine now. Your sore throat will get better if you drink more water, and you still need to take your medicine."

As Xi Xiaye sat up and moved a little, she noticed that her whole body ached and she felt very uncomfortable.

It must be because of last night.

She threw him a glare.