Upgrade To Parents-To-Be (3)

His initial unhappiness was instantly chased away by the arrival of the child. When Mu Yuchen walked out of the hospital all relaxed and calm, it was early evening. The car was parked right beside the road.

When they saw them walking over, the bodyguards in black quickly opened the car door.

When they got into the car, Xi Xiaye said, "Assistant Li Si, call Zitong. Hmm, she's worked hard today. Tell her to go home soon. Later on, just get them to send the things over."

"Got it, Missus!" Li Si answered with a smile. It was rare to see the tenderness openly shining in Master's eyes. The way he was so careful only meant that there must be some good news. As he thought about this, he thought about letting the old Chairman know as soon as possible so that they could be happy about it too!

Mu Yuchen very honestly explained everything to Xi Xiaye. Even though it was a little different from what Detective Zhang said, it was about the same overall.