Turn Up Uninvited (2)

Seeing Qi Lei's tall and lean figure walk over, Xi Xiaye could not hold herself back from angrily clenching her fists.

How could there possibly be someone as shameless as him?

She did not even answer him, yet he planned to just follow her uninvited!

"I've already repaid you when I should. Qi Lei, don't cross the line!" Xi Xiaye quickly chased after him.

Qi Lei pretended he did not hear her. Instead, he casually shrugged with the bags in his hand. He stopped and shot her a side look for a moment, then continued walking ahead.

"It's just one dinner. Do you have to be so unhappy? I'm visiting your home. Am I so unwelcomed?"

The two of them walked one in front of the other along the clean cement path. Abruptly, Qi Lei slowed down his steps and turned to look at the woman following him gloomily behind. He could not help but laugh out loud in a teasing manner.