Gift (2)

Qi Lei stopped looking outside. Sometimes, looking at such wonderful and heart-warming scenes would induce certain feelings within him.

He took a deep breath and closed the windows. Then, he quietly packed his documents up before he realized that he felt hungry. He walked out of the study room and was thinking about cooking some instant noodles.

He was not exactly a great cook. The only thing he could barely manage would be some plain porridge. However, the first time he tried to make it, he used a whole lot of rice and water. Since today was a festive day, he thought that he should celebrate it himself.

He opened his fridge and noticed it was rather empty with only some tomatoes and several bottles of beer.

He stood there for a moment before laughing at himself miserably. Then, he grabbed a beer and chugged it down before slumping down beside the fridge and continuing to drink.