Lost Time (1)

On a hazy autumn night, cold rain fell, making the temperature drop even lower. One could feel the humidity just by standing at the staircase beside the door.

The guests had already left and the whole place became quiet again as it was starting to get late.

Han Yifeng stayed by the staircase for a really long time without going anywhere.

"CEO Han, the banquet has ended. The elders are very unhappy since the guests were gossiping as well. You…" Secretary Wang seemed worried when he looked at Han Yifeng.

Today was the full moon celebration of the Han family's little master. However, Han Yifeng did not appear for the banquet and had only shown up after it ended. Huang Ziyao and the others bugged Secretary Wang many times already while Xi Xinyi also endured her frustration throughout the night.

"They insisted on having this. What does it have to do with me?" Han Yifeng's expression was cold. He did not intend to do this, but they left him no choice.