Car Accident (1)

Wang Hui's birthday passed some time ago. The infighting within Qi Kai was getting fiercer every day while the conflict between Qi Qiming and Wang Hui was getting worse.

Qi Qiming wanted to remove Qi Lei from the South River Project, yet Xi Xiaye's act stopped that idea. Qi Lei still managed to keep being the person in charge as of now.

Gu Lingsha's sudden appearance on the banquet strained Qi Lei's relationship with Wang Qin again.

Inside the office of the Vice President of Qi Kai Corporation.

Wang Qin folded her arms as she studied the data on her laptop screen. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

The secretary came in through the door and bowed respectfully. She then spoke gently, "Vice President Wang, Master Qi is right outside. Should I let him in?"

"Let him in." Wang Qin waved her hand.

The secretary left swiftly. A minute later, she heard the sound of the door closing.