Scheming (4)

It was in the middle of winter right now, so the early morning was extremely cold.

The corridor was much colder than inside the room. Xi Xiaye shivered a little and clenched her fists, trying to endure the cold. She was not really paying attention to what Qi Lei was saying.

Qi Lei saw her reactions, and before she noticed it, he already took his windbreaker off and put it over her shoulders to her surprise. She wanted to reject at first, but he stopped her cold hand.

"I'm just lending it to you. Remember to give it back to me after you clean it up. It had better be aromatized as well. I don't need cologne or anything of that sort. A fresh vanilla smell would be fine. Do you hear that?"

Qi Lei quickly adjusted the windbreaker on her and then moved away.

Xi Xiaye looked at the windbreaker over her shoulder. Her eyes darkened as her gaze turned complicated.