Master Mu Is A Watermelon? (3)

Xi Xiaye did not think that Xi Xinyi would come over just as she and Su Nan were in the midst of a chat.

When they heard the patter of footsteps, Xi Xiaye subconsciously turned to look and saw Xi Xinyi dressed in a light red winter overcoat in the latest trend. She wore light makeup, concealing her wan and sallowness, but from the way she moved, you could tell that she probably had it rough.

Was she not hospitalized?

Why was she here?

Xi Xiaye and Su Nan exchanged a look. Their eyes were filled with some doubt and vigilance.

"I want to talk to you." Xi Xinyi stopped before the two of them, her dim and gloomy eyes FALLING onto Xi Xiaye, confusing her.

Xi Xiaye's expression was calm and her tone was cold as she said, "But I don't know what there is to talk to you about. If it's about Han Yifeng or is related to the Xi family, then we don't have much to talk about."