As Long As She’s Safe and Sound (1)

Xi Xinyi's voice stopped abruptly. Her beautiful face looked pained as she struggled for a bit, and then her mind felt stifled from a lack of oxygen. She stared at Mu Yuchen's pair of cold eyes in terror.

"Chairman Mu! Calm down! Chairman Mu!" Ji Zitong quickly went up to hold Mu Yuchen back. "Chairman Mu, don't be rash! Let go of her. Otherwise…"

Mu Yuchen then slowly let go. He stared at Xi Xinyi and said sternly, "Since you'd like to die so badly, I'll grant you your wish!"

He then pushed Xi Xinyi to the side roughly. Caught off-guard, she fell to the ground in a sorry manner. She panted through huge breaths and her face reddened while Mu Yuchen had already taken out his phone and was about to make a call.

Xi Xinyi was stunned to see that. She quickly went up to him, half-crawling and pulling his pants leg. "No, Chairman Mu! Don't! I really didn't push Xiaye. Hear me out! Hear me out, please! It really wasn't me!"