I'm Still Me, What About You? (1)

On the second day of the New Year, the entire city remained in a joyous state of celebration. It was a brand new scene all around. The air was even filled with the faint fragrance of plum blossoms, and everyone could not help but feel spirited by this.

Qi Lei had both his hands at the back of his head as he leisurely walked through the long corridor and was shocked to see overflowing plum blossoms in full bloom. He could not help but ask Yang Sheng in awe, "Since when was the backyard planted with plum blossoms? And can they survive? I thought City Z's weather isn't suitable for plum blossoms."

"It was planted the year before the last, but it didn't blossom during winter last year. A lot were planted and only a few survived. Initially, the butler wanted to take them all out and change them to peach blossoms, but the Missus said to wait until after the season. There were so many of them planted, and she hoped at least some would make it," Yang Sheng said softly.