Finding Out

Su Yu quickly nodded. "Yeah! Xiao Chen is a talented young man. This girl needs to have better senses! I'll head over now then. Stay in the car and don't be reckless. I'll go and find out what happened. It's her big day today, so don't give her any bad impression."

Elder Su grunted coldly, "Go and test the waters. Why didn't Xiao Chen bring her home? What are they arguing about? Is she dissatisfied with the Su family? Also, investigate her family immediately. If there are no problems, then tell Xiao Chen to bring her home as soon as possible." His way of doing things was quick and decisive as usual.

"Alright, alright! I get it, Grandfather. Can I get down from the car now?"

"You have fifteen minutes to complete the mission! Go!" His voice was still strong and powerful.

"Yes, Sir!" Su Yu waved her hands and then got out of the car.