Meeting Again After Six Years (6)

Mu Yuchen could easily detect the shock in Gu Qiwu's eyes, yet he obviously did not miss the hint of bitter disdain in his expression either.

Gu Qiwu nonchalantly set his sunglasses on the newspapers beside him and looked up at Mu Yuchen and nodded without denying it. "That's right. That was one of the estates the Hui Gu Corporation invested in, but now the government has already withdrawn it to build a new residential area and office buildings."

"I know. I went there to check on it this morning. My aunt used to have a place in the Xiang She residences. Did you know about that?" Mu Yuchen continued to ask.

"Your aunt? Mu Zi?" Gu Qiwu chuckled with a lukewarm attitude while he leaned back against the chair with a wry smile on his face. "Would you know every single person you sold a product to?"

"In the same respect, do you think I would know?"