A Family of Four (3)

As Xi Xiaye listened, she squinted her twinkling eyes and nodded. "Of course, I remember. I think that person might very possibly be Ah Shi's father, but we couldn't find any news about that person for a very long time, could we?"

"Mmm, he definitely noticed that we've been looking for him, so a lot of the information has been sealed. He's very skilled at countering our investigations. I think that he should be the person bidding against Gu Lingsha at the auction. In fact, apart from us, Doris was also trailing after him."

"Gu Lingsha's mother? Why would she be trailing that person? Does she know the mysterious person too? In fact, are you sure the person chasing after him was Doris and not Gu Lingsha?" Xi Xiaye frowned and asked a little puzzled.

"It was definitely Doris, so based on my judgment, that pen should've been bid for by Doris and not Gu Lingsha."