Too Many Excuses (2)

After a stifling silence, some people were laughing at Gu Lingsha. After that, Qi Qiming shot Wang Qin an irritated glance and said coldly, "Shasha's just joined the company quite recently. She hasn't gotten used to things yet. As her superiors, you should all watch out for her. Okay, have a seat. Let's start the meeting now!"

When Qi Qiming said that, Wang Qin kept quiet and gave Gu Lingsha a look of disdain. Her gaze turned to the side and fell on Qi Lei. When she saw him nonchalantly flipping through the document with a calm expression and ignoring the little episode, she smiled gladly before shooting Gu Lingsha a delighted glance. In turn, Gu Lingsha looked extremely upset.

"My apologies, I'll be more careful next time."

After a while, Gu Lingsha bit her lip and said that before sitting down, feeling a little bleak.