Her Warmth (1)

"Master, why did you give Xi Xinyi a chance? I thought she had no more value," Li Si asked quietly.

Mu Yuchen pinched the ache that throbbed between his eyebrows. He was startled for a moment when he heard Li Si's question. He responded with a smirk, "Why do you think I didn't eliminate Yueying and her together? Ah Mo found out that Xi Xinyi was in contact with Mr. Wen. I tested her before, and it seems like Mr. Wen acted as a tactician for her."

"Master, what do you mean? Why is Xi Xinyi related to Mr. Wen? Gu Qiwu?" Li Si could feel that something was not right. It was a dangerous territory to step into.

"I'm not sure if the person who blocked your Missus in the tunnel was the same Mr. Wen Xi Xinyi knew, but I'm sure that that person and the one behind the accident in City B last year was Gu Qiwu. He's been targeting me from the very beginning, and he dragged your Missus into this."

"What does he want?" Li Si frowned.