Her Warmth (4)

Upon hearing his deep and sensitive voice, her heart became increasingly soft and sad as it hurt.

After struggling through ups and downs for close to 30 years, his appearance was like a ray of warmth sunlight, illuminating the bottom of her heart and allowing her to wake up from a long dream. Even if her heart was cold, she had long been moved by his doting.

From meeting to getting to know and loving each other...

He was like her. They were both people who did not express love easily, yet they would always show care and love.

"It's all because of you... Your happiness and sadness have become mine too." She shrunk herself in his embrace as she spoke in a hoarse voice. She wiped her tears away with the front of his blouse.

Ever since she realized that she had fallen in love with him, she had become vulnerable. Regardless of the hardships she suffered in the past, they would not bring her to tears, yet now...