
The afternoon sun was splendid, and the wet ground from before was dry now. The air was filled with the refreshing fragrance of fresh grass. Ji Zitong fed the goldfishes in the pond in the backyard. When she returned to the living room, she saw that Su Chen was by the coffee table pouring himself a glass of water to drink.

Su Chen looked at her and lifted the glass in hand as he asked, "Want a glass?"

Ji Zitong shook her head. She pointed to the backyard past the window behind her. "I've fed the fishes for you. They're pretty huge. Don't you plan on releasing them?"

"Soon, I've asked someone to get me some goldfish. It's been delayed because of the recent incident."

Su Chen finished the water in his glass, and then took his car keys. "Let's go. I'll bring you somewhere first. Tonight we'll go over to your parents' for dinner before coming home."