Feelings? (2)

In XX Field in the suburbs of City Z

A black limousine slowly drove onto the cement street by the field and soon stopped by the road. Li Si turned around and said respectfully to Mu Yuchen who was resting with his eyes closed, "Master, we're here."

When he heard that, Mu Yuchen opened his eyes. A profound light filled the air, and Li Si could vaguely feel a hint of coldness.

He turned to look out the car window, very quickly he noticed that dark figure underneath the umbrella by the field.

"Master, Gu Qiwu came over alone. His assistant is right down there," Li Si softly muttered after analyzing as he got down to open the car door for Mu Yuchen.

"All of you stay here and wait for me too," Mu Yuchen calmly said before getting down from the car unhurriedly.


Mu Yuchen stopped behind Gu Qiwu. It was rather cold to be standing there. The wind that blew from the bottom of the mountain ruffled their clothes.

"You're here."