When Conditions Are Right, Success Will Come (1)

After May, the weather gradually grew warmer, and for almost half the month, Su Chen had been leaving home early and returning late.

Because Mother Ji, Chen Ling, had accidentally fallen while going down the stairs and hurt her waist even more severely, she had to be hospitalized. Ji Zitong could only hand the flower shop over to her two shop assistants while she went to take care of her mother at the hospital.

Su Chen would usually find some time to visit them just like he did right now.

The Land Rover drove steadily into the parking spot by the hospital roadside. Su Chen quickly opened the car door and got down. Beside him, Secretary He got down from the front passenger seat too with a large fruit basket in his hand.

"Chief Su, she's staying in ward no. 8 of the 15th floor. You can go up from here!" Secretary He swiftly found their target.