
Ji Zitong stared at that flickering phone screen for close to half a minute before she frowned and picked it up. She had just answered when Su Chen's deep, annoyed voice came from the other end. "Why did you take so long to pick up? It's late. Aren't you home yet? It's already past 8 p.m. Ji Zitong, how many times have I told you, you can just finish work at 6. It's not safe for a lone woman like you be out late at night, especially when I'm not around. Don't you know that?"

Before Ji Zitong could reply, Su Chen began to release everything he wanted to say everything at a go. She never knew that he could speak this much. In fact, he seemed to be becoming more and more like a butler, quite like the typical male chauvinist.

As Ji Zitong listened, she instantly frowned. When he finished, she answered calmly, "Su Chen, repeat what you just said again."