Wedding (4)

Ji Zitong spoke calmly. Even though her ear piercing was still fresh, she could not help but rub her earlobes.

Su Chen did not respond to that. Instead, his hands just quietly stayed on his legs while he turned to look at her with a profound gaze. Moments later, he smiled. "Ji Zitong, why do I find that you're becoming courteous with me now? Are you scared of me now?"

His words startled her, so she frowned slightly and quickly looked up to him as she said in disagreement, "Why would you say that?"

"You didn't use to be like this. You'd make threatening gestures and wouldn't be courteous with me at all." Su Chen grinned while a meaningful light gathered in his gaze.

She shot him a glance and said smoothly, "Do you want me to threaten you? Someone seemed to have complained about it before. Now that I've decided to exist harmoniously with you, shouldn't you be moved to tears?"