Fragile (3)

Yang Sheng sounded cautious as he went to help Qi Lei, who had already found out about Qi Weier from Mu Yuchen, so he was not surprised by it. As a matter of fact, he had already prepared for it a long time ago anyway.

"What does that have to do with me? I…" Qi Lei hiccuped. "I have nothing to do with that family anymore. Tell them that things are difficult over here, so it'll take several days for me to get back."

"But, Master Qi, what about things at the office?"

"I know what to do. Just do what I've just said. Besides, it's going to be the hiring season soon. Tell Manager Wang to let me handle the hiring of the fresh graduates."

Qi Lei splashed some water on his face before he got up and took out his key card from his pocket. Then, the two of them quickly entered the room.

"Master Qi, haven't we always let the HR Department handle the hiring? If you need someone specific, I'll tell them and I'm sure they'll get it done."