Falling Sick (2)

As morning came, the sun rays crept through the windows and the curtains swayed with the breeze.

Gu Lingsha was exhausted because she had been up the whole night. It was very quiet inside the ward. She could only hear the sound of the curtains and the beeping from the machine.

Qi Qiming looked weak as he lay down on the bed, still unconscious at the moment.

Since Gu Lingsha was too tired, she had fallen asleep on the chair.

A row of bodyguards stood outside Qi Qiming's room.

After Qi Lei left the Qi residence last night, Gu Qiwu was sent to Hospital T almost right away. They managed to keep him alive and his condition was stabilized. However, he still needed to be under observation for now.

Gu Lingsha heard the door opening while she was asleep, so she quickly woke up and looked towards the door to see the doctor.

"Morning, Ms. Gu!" the doctor greeted her and walked towards the bed. Then, he gave Qi Qiming a simple check-up.