True Feelings Hurt The Most? (1)

They chatted on the way back, and their figures soon vanished in the dark.

Gu Lingsha remained stationary and just watched them. Her face was pale and her expression turned stormy, so one could notice the veins that popped up on her palms.

She could not feel anything else except anger at this very moment.

She never expected Mu Yuchen to reveal this side of him. Before the rumors about her with Qi Feng spread, he was not particularly interested in her as well, especially since both of them did not know they had a marriage contract, but her late grandmother did nudge her to befriend him. However, he never paid her any attention no matter how much she tried.

In Gu Lingsha's impression, aside from thinking that Mu Yuchen was handsome, he gave off a really deep, cold vibe, except when he was around Su Chen, Zhou Zimo, and Ah Mo. He hardly paid attention to anyone else. She always felt that he disliked her, but she had no idea about what she did wrong.