Injured! (3)

Morrison groaned in pain. He covered his mouth as he mumbled, "First Master!"

Qi Lei had really hit him hard back there, Morrison's jaw dislocated, it was difficult for him to even speak!

Qi Feng shot Morrison a cold and warning glance. "Morrison, you overdid it!"

Morrison's expression darkened, but he quickly bowed down and endured the pain on his jaw. "I'm sorry, First Master!"

Qi Feng looked at the ceramic shards on the floor together with some bloodstains as his expression clouded over.

Observing Morrison's reaction, Qi Feng had wanted to pull Xi Xiaye back just now, but it happened too quickly, so he could not react in time. Morrison knew he had screwed up when he saw the First Master's expression. Mu Yuchen would definitely be alerted if anything happened to Xi XIaye!