I Will Always Be By Your Side (2)

When he felt her cool touch, he reached out to gently hold her wrist as her profound gaze met his clear eyes. Moments after that, he smiled gladly. "Mmm, alright. I'm not as weak as you think. All you need to do is trust me."

She shot him a glance and said a little innocently, "It just looks like you've got a lot on your mind, so I'm a little worried."

"There've been too many things happening recently. I haven't been able to sort much out, but don't worry. After these two days, when you're discharged, I'll be fine to stay home with you and have some idle days together. Why? Have you suddenly had a conscience now and know how to pity me?" he teased as his eyes glimmered with joyous light.

"I'm not worried about you. I'm worried about the ghost." She could not help but roll her eyes while her rose-pink lips pursed slightly before allowing a smile.

"Then, I must be that ghost." He happily went along with her words.