Incident (4)

Gu Lingsha would not just let Xi Xiaye go so easily. Holding Qi Weier in her arms, she caught up with her.

Rush hour after school had passed, so the crowd was long gone. Xi Xiaye and Mu Zirui headed straight to the car where Sis Wang was sitting in the driver's seat. She noticed Xi Xiaye from the side mirror, so she quickly drove closer. As she got out of the car to open the door for them, two bodyguards came over and stopped Sis Wang.

"Who are you guys? What do you want?" Sis Wang stayed calm as she looked at the two men while being on alert.

The bodyguards remained silent and just looked forward. Sis Wang turned her head around and saw Xi Xiaye and Mu Zirui halt in their footsteps while Gu Lingsha and Qi Weier were catching up with them.

"Gu Lingsha, you'd better explain what is going on or else, I'm going to call the police!" Xi Xiaye's expression darkened as she gave Gu Lingsha a tough glare.