Mu Yuchen VS Qi Feng (3)

Mu Yuchen smiled as he listened to Qi Feng.

"I never said that I was a nice guy, but compared to your double-sided nature, I do think that at least, I'm better than you. I have no interest in interfering between you and Qi Lei, but we're partners, so I'll be indirectly affected if you jeopardize his benefits. I won't go easy on those who stand in my way," he said straightforwardly.

"So, you made Qi Lei a chess piece of yours to defeat me?" Qi Feng locked his stone-cold gaze onto Mu Yuchen's face.

Mu Yuchen looked at the fresh cigarette butt on the grave and responded, "Chess piece? I'd never use my friends as a chess piece. I'm not going to give you a long lecture here. You can tell me what actually happened six years ago. I just want to know why Lingtian made that decision."

"Pretty bold of you, but do you think I'd tell you?" Qi Feng smiled wryly.