Defend (1)

Gu Lingsha panicked, unable to mask the anxiety in her eyes as she quickly shook her head. "I don't know. He was already gone when I woke up this morning. I asked his subordinates, but they don't know where he went either! And with Morrison's incident, I think he…"

"How can these things keep happening?! Utter nonsense!" Qi Qiming was irate. "Can't the reporters report something else? Lingsha, this sort of news won't come by if no flames fan them. I hope you can be more careful in the future. Your identity is different now as you've become the Qi family's daughter-in-law. I don't want to know about your relationship with Mu Yuchen in the past, and I don't want anyone else to know about it as well. Look at these pictures and write-ups. Even if they aren't real, it'll be a problem if it keeps spreading!"