Little Gathering (3)

Su Chen's tone sounded grim and hesitant. "Gu Qiwu? Are you saying it was Gu Qiwu's subordinate?"

Qi Lei's eyes darkened in disbelief. "That's impossible! Gu Qiwu never had any conflict with my mother before. There's no need for him to go against her!"

"That's exactly the concern. With the evidence now, we can't say for sure that Gu Qiwu is behind this. It might just be a coincidence. The problem is that the perpetrator fled abroad, so no one knows where he is now!"

As a higher-up, Su Chen had bumped into someone following the case, so he had received some valuable information after a light probe.

"Abroad? We can't get him just because he ran away abroad?" Qi Lei asked.

Su Chen shook his head helplessly. "You'll have to ask the police for that. However, I think the whole thing is not that simple, we might be able to find out something if we get ahold of that perpetrator."