I'm Begging You! (2)

Qi Lei squinted at Gu Lingsha. "Looks like it's work then. Let's talk about it tomorrow. I don't want to talk about work now."

As he was about to enter through the door, Gu Lingsha reached out to stop him. "Hold on! Okay, I'll keep it short then. You should know how important the South River Project No. 1 is to Qi Kai. Fuhua has taken away the materials that I've negotiated for with Hua Heng. When I went over, I found out that Fuhua's new CEO is actually Xi Xiaye! Have you known about this for a while now?"

Upon hearing that, Qi Lei's gaze darkened. He stared at her fair hands that gripped his sleeves and did not answer her question. She met his gaze and took in all of his hostility, then she let go of him.

"The project you have doesn't seem to have anything to do with me. In fact, we're working in the same field. Shouldn't you be having ears everywhere?" Qi Lei's intentions were clear.