I'll Give You A Chance (1)

Qi Lei soon vanished out of the door.

Xi Xiaye propped one hand on her table and watched the door. Then, she slowly moved to sit back down on her chair and took a deep breath before she turned to look out at the gloomy horizon, her elegant face seeming a little dazed.

"Such a short chat?" Lan Zilang's voice was very quickly heard from behind.

Xi Xiaye turned back very quickly and responded, "Uncle Lan."

"I think Qi Lei's been pretty good, especially recently. He feels much calmer now. Elder CEO has admired him since back then. He said that if he takes more time to be disciplined, he can definitely be an expert!" Lan Zilang was not stingy with his praises.

"I hope he won't let us down." Xi Xiaye smiled calmly.

"How's Elder CEO doing? I haven't been in contact with him for quite a few days now. He should be having fun in France right now, isn't he?" Lan Zilang handed the blueprint to Xi Xiaye as he asked with concern.