Very Happy To See You Again (3)

Qi Feng just watched quietly as Xi Xiaye handed Qi Weier her umbrella. He only spoke up when she started to move away, "Thank you, Ms. Xi."

Xi Xiaye halted mid-step and looked at him getting a little drenched from the rain. She had to admit that Qi Feng was indeed attractive, especially his eyes that looked so mesmerizing. If she had not already met a wonderful man like Mr. Mu, she might have fallen for this guy instead. She decided not to say anything and picked up her bags, about to leave.

"Wait!" Qi Feng called out to her as she just took her first step.

Xi Xiaye took a pause and stopped.

"It's my wedding with Lingsha next Sunday. You're welcome to join us." Qi Feng took out an envelope from his pocket and handed it to her. "Since you're here, I don't have to deliver this to your place."

She took a glance at the fiery red envelope, then looked into Qi Feng's eyes as she replied coldly, "You're not really keen on having Mr. Mu over, are you?"