Abrupt Change (2)

Upon hearing that, Li Si dared not say much, so he quietly retreated.

"What's the deal? Tell me everything!"

There was a sharpness in Mu Yinan's eyes. He did not want to think about those things anymore and just wanted to go with the flow since it was not a bad thing to have more peaceful days, but if the truth was laid out right in front of them, he would not reject finding out about it.

Despite Mu Yinan's sharp tone, Mu Yuchen remained calm and cool as he flipped open the document in his hand unhurriedly, and looked through it as he asked, "Didn't my father tell you?"

"Your father only told me that the investigation into Lingshi's background is almost done. He didn't tell me what was up. He just told me to come over and let you explain it to me. Who's that person?" Mu Yinan's aged hands suddenly clenched as he fixed his gaze on Mu Yuchen.

Mu Yuchen then handed the document to him. "Take a look at this."