Twisted Affection (1)

The night was getting late and the cool wind blew as a calm moon hung in the bright sky.

In the study room on the second floor of Maple Residence, Xi Xiaye was done reading through the pile of documents on the table. She looked at the time on the clock, and it showed that it was almost midnight, yet there was still no sign of the man.

She thought about it and was worried, so she set aside the pen and took a coat from the bedroom to put on. She took her phone and went downstairs. As she was thinking about getting the car keys, she heard the sound of the car being parked outside.

Soon, the door was opened and she put the car keys back before slowly going up to the door.

Before she could reach the knob, Mu Yuchen's thin and lean figure greeted her sight. Xi Xiaye subconsciously stopped walking and almost walked right into his arms. Thankfully, he was quick enough to hold her.

"Clumsy one, be careful!" His deep voice had a hint of reproach.