Old Illness (5)

Xi Xiaye kept the photos and report back into the file while the horror that gathered on her little face remained. She watched him silently without a word.

The side profile of Mu Yuchen's face looked calm and cool. After a while, he spoke and drove steadily on the wide road ahead before continuing in a lowered voice, "Haven't you always wanted to know about the accident? It's written clearly there. I'm sure you roughly know how it all started and ended after reading it."

Xi Xiaye took a deep breath and put the file back where it came from. She held a hand to her thumping chest and said, "Lingtian...he must have passed away painfully. I..."

He reached out to gently hold her slightly frozen fingertips as he asked softly, "Do you remember what I talked to you about a few days ago?"

Xi Xiaye thought about it for a while, then what he mentioned to her flashed in her mind.

"You want Detective Zhang to help out?" She turned to look at him.