The Past Stays In The Past (3)

The air in the morning was refreshing. Standing right there during the farming season granted them the view of hardworking farmers plowing their fields. Mu Yuchen just stood there and watched them quietly.

Gu Qiwu kept his mouth shut, and so did he.

When he glanced over, he noticed the complicated expression that surfaced on Gu Qiwu's face…

The two of them stood there in silence for a long time before Gu Qiwu finally spoke up, "Why did you do that? Are you taking revenge on me? You know very well that exposing me like that doesn't do any good. Did you see what happened? Even if you don't care about your aunt, can't you be considerate about Lingshi? Doris and I are in a mess right now. She's already submitted a divorce request to the court. What do you think you can get out of this?"