Showdown! (4)

It was rare to see Qi Lei being this aggressive.

Qi Qiming actually knew that he had been underestimating Qi Lei. Especially ever since Wang Qin passed away, his performance was way above average.

Qi Qiming thought it was a good thing. If Qi Feng and Qi Lei could work together, Qi Kai would surely reach new heights, but it was impossible for the two of them to work together.

It was just like Wang Qin and him!

He thought that if only he could have been more generous in the past, things might not have turned out like this!

He noticed that he liked to reminisce of the past as he got older. He realized that he regretted what he did. Perhaps he had been too strict with he. She had still been his woman after all. Only Wang Qin could call herself Qi Qiming's woman, and naturally, Qi Lei was his son, so why did he fight with her until the bitter end?

What if...?

Unfortunately, one could not redo life.