Problem (1)

Late at night, inside a luxurious hotel room in City Z.

Doris was wearing a beautiful light golden low-cut dress as she sat elegantly on the sofa. While she had an enticing smile on her face, her eyes were extremely cold.

She had a thin and long cigarette between her fingers and smoke wafted from between her crimson red lips.

"Miss, Qi Feng's assistant Morrison is outside. He says he needs to see you personally," a subordinate reported.

Doris raised her eyebrows as a faint light glinted in her eyes. She grinned with some sign of interest. "Qi Feng? He's getting impatient now, isn't he?"

She gave it some thought for a little while. Then, she grabbed the glass of wine on the table and emptied it. "Let him in!"

"Yes, Miss!" Her subordinate went out.

Soon after that, Morrison knocked on the door and entered.

"Ms. Doris!" Morrison bowed politely.