Worried Sick (6)

Now, Xi Xiaye felt assured.

Something flashed in Xi Xiaye's mind, so she asked again, "Right, Father, there's something I've been wanting to ask you about."

"What is it?" Mu Tangchuan casually put his arms behind him as he said calmly.

Xi Xiaye paused while she roughly sorted out her thoughts before asking, "Wang Qin's matter has passed for a long time now. I want to know if the police had no updates at all. It was clear that someone tried to frame us for that incident. Was there still no outcome to the investigation?"

"The suspect has been locked in, but they ran off abroad. You know as well that it's quite hard to catch a criminal abroad. Besides, he's consciously evading our capture. I'm sure someone's helping him out abroad too. However, I did hear that he's recently appeared at Los Angeles."