Vicious! (4)

As she spoke, she propped herself up. Her blue eyes revealed a fearless staunchness. Doris got up with the help of the railing on the side as she held her face that burned with pain. Her crazy eyes focused on the miserable-looking Gu Qiwu.

"Doris, I won't accept your threats. If you're going to lay your hands on them, then you're just forcing me. I'm afraid you've miscalculated! I can tell Qi Qiming about today, and when that happens, the person who's got more to lose than gain won't be me!" Gu Qiwu warned coldly.

Upon hearing that, Doris just laughed out loud. "Gu Qiwu, I think you're being foolish now. You want to just blurt things to Qi Qiming without having any evidence. Do you think he'll believe you? Huh, if you won't give in, then we shall wait and see whose methods will go harder!"