Escaped! (1)

Xi Xiaye did not hear Mu Lingshi's reply. When she glanced over and noticed Mu Lingshi shaking, she sat up and studied her.

Mu Lingshi's eyes were closed, but there were tears at the corners of her eyes…

"Ah Shi…" Xi Xiaye called out to her.

"I'm fine, Sis-in-law. I just feel exhausted holding on. My luck is really bad, isn't it?" Mu Lingshi took a deep breath and spoke with a bitter tone, "At times, I feel that happiness is right within my grasp, but fate can just make it disappear the next moment. I don't know what to do...It seems like it keeps happening again and again. Sis-in-law, am I that unfortunate?"

"Why do you think so? You'll have everything that you deserve. Don't overthink it."